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Orange County
Bankruptcy Law Blog

Considering The Concept Of Strategic Debt

April 27th, 2015|

Two diametrically opposed schools of thought exist in regards to debt. One school of thought believes that debt can be beneficial when used strategically. The other insists that debt is dangerous and should be avoided. Certainly, many other financial approaches [...]

Can Businesses Sell Customer Data To Pay Off Creditors?

March 30th, 2015|

When businesses file for bankruptcy, they may often be compelled to sell certain assets in order to pay off existing creditors. This kind of financial reorganization can help businesses to remain competitive and it can aid others in protecting their [...]

The Evolution Of The Average American’s Debt Load

February 13th, 2015|

In the aftermath of the Great Recession, the average American’s debt load decreased notably over time. However, recent statistics suggest that everyday Americans have recently allowed their debt loads to climb to the highest levels recorded since the end of [...]

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