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Orange County
Bankruptcy Law Blog

What Should You Exclude From Your Will?

August 23rd, 2017|

As you begin to think about getting your end-of-life affairs in order, you may focus a great deal on how you should distribute your assets. One of the most common ways individuals choose to carry out this task relates to [...]

What Court Will Hear Your Bankruptcy Case?

August 2nd, 2017|

Going through bankruptcy can be a complex legal process. You may have felt uncertain about whether or not to actually proceed with this type of debt relief as opinions on the process can vary. However, bankruptcy can offer you a [...]

Who Can Act As Administrator Of A Loved One’s Estate?

July 26th, 2017|

Surviving family members have many responsibilities after a loved one dies. If your loved one created a thorough estate plan, you and other family may have an easier time addressing the settling of the estate. However, many people die intestate, [...]

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