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Orange County
Bankruptcy Law Blog

CFPB To Debt Collectors: Pay Up For Deceptive Practices

September 22nd, 2015|

What’s the connection between debt collection companies and bankruptcy? Actually, the nexus is about as tight and interconnected as it can possibly be for many cash-strapped and beleaguered consumers. For high numbers of individuals and families in California and across [...]

Many Americans Inaccurately Report Debt: Why?

September 8th, 2015|

Financial-related data periodically compiled and reported via a national survey contain a wealth of interesting — and, some might say, baffling — information, especially as relates to consumer-reported debt that is accumulated by individuals and families. The Federal Reserve’s Survey [...]

Predatory Lending Practices An Outsized Problem In The Military

August 10th, 2015|

Just how big of a problem is predatory lending that specifically targets American military members and their families? Frankly, the scourge wrought by payday loans and other egregiously lender-friendly loan instruments is huge. President Obama put a spotlight on select [...]

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