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Orange County
Bankruptcy Law Blog

Addressing Your Tax Debt Through Bankruptcy

January 8th, 2019|

Tax season is here, and you may soon receive documents from your employer that will help you file your taxes. However, you may already dread this season because you have a substantial amount of tax debt that has affected you [...]

Documents Commonly Used In Estate Plans

December 13th, 2018|

Although you might count yourself among those in California who would rather discuss just about anything other than their own mortality, you may also be among those who understand that it’s important to talk about such things, especially if you [...]

Are You Thinking Of Disinheriting Your Child?

November 16th, 2018|

Not every parent/child relationship survives into adulthood. For one reason or another, a parent and a child can become estranged or otherwise don’t get along. In some cases, parents disinherit their children in an attempt at “tough love” due to [...]

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