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Orange County
Bankruptcy Law Blog

Putting Off Bankruptcy May Be A Mistake

October 16th, 2018|

You may have gone back and forth for some time over the best way to handle your outstanding debt. You may have decided on one option only to change your mind later when you thought another route would better suit [...]

No Spouse, No Kids, No Estate Plan?

September 11th, 2018|

It seems that every time a celebrity dies without leaving a will, there is an outcry from fans and critics. Many use the event as a cautionary tale while probate for the rich and famous drags into years and descends [...]

3 Issues That Could Hold Up The Probate Process

August 15th, 2018|

Estates commonly go through probate after a person’s passing. Before your loved one’s death, he or she may have discussed the idea of you acting as executor of the estate. You may at first have felt honored that your family [...]

What Do You Know About Debts And Bankruptcy Discharge?

July 18th, 2018|

Wanting to get back on financial track after accumulating a significant amount of debt is commendable and achievable. Of course, before you jump into any debt relief option, it would benefit you to learn how certain avenues could help you. [...]

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