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Orange County
Bankruptcy Law Blog

Beware Debt Settlement Companies Targeting Student Debt

August 4th, 2014|

We have previously written about the fact that overwhelming student debt can be particularly tricky to navigate. This kind of debt cannot generally be discharged in bankruptcy save for the most desperate of situations. In addition, while some student debt can be [...]

Fair Debt Collection Practices: The Basics

July 24th, 2014|

If you are in debt and have missed one or more payments, you may have begun to receive calls, letters and/or emails from your creditors. If you are several payments behind, you may be receiving communications from debt collectors and [...]

Does It Feel Like Your Finances Are Freefalling?

July 6th, 2014|

Sometimes it can be truly difficult to determine whether or not you are in real financial trouble. Especially if you are young, you have recently assumed new major expenditures or if you are in the middle of a major life [...]

GM Case Illustrates Limits Of Business Bankruptcy Protections

June 23rd, 2014|

Earlier this month, dozens of claims tied to the recent General Motors defective ignition switch recall scandal were consolidated and sent before a federal court for matters of pretrial discovery. General Motors hopes that the process will continue to progress [...]

Preparing To Negotiate With Creditors

June 6th, 2014|

If you are struggling with overwhelming debt, you may be confused about which debt relief options are available to you. If so, speaking with an attorney experienced in matters of debt relief may be a good idea. While it is [...]

Medical Debt Is The New American ‘Normal’

May 23rd, 2014|

Statistics can be hard to grasp until they are practically applied. On face, the statistic of “33 percent” means nothing unless it is applied. However, if someone scores 33 percent on a test, that individual has earned the letter grade [...]

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