Orange County
Bankruptcy Law Blog
U.S. Trustees Forced To Stop Auditing Personal Bankruptcy Cases
The Great Recession, or perhaps the federal sequester, has forced the U.S. Trustee Program to indefinitely suspend the audits it is required to perform on Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 personal bankruptcy cases. The audits are required by the 2005 bankruptcy reform [...]
Can Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Court Force Anthony To Sell Life Story?
In January Casey Anthony, the woman who was charged and then acquitted of killing her 2-year-old child, filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. She owes some $500,000 in legal fees, along with other debts that bring her total liabilities to about $792,000. [...]
Chapter 11 Court To Determine Fate Of The Grand Canyon Skywalk
One of the most exciting parts of visiting the Grand Canyon was opened to the public only five years ago. The Grand Canyon Skywalk, which opened in 2007, is a fantastic, U-shaped walkway that allows visitors to walk directly out [...]
Survey: No Increase In Big Chapter 11 Bankruptcies Likely In 2013
Corporate restructuring professionals — who provide non-legal services in corporate restructuring, turnaround management, and bankruptcy reorganization to mid- and large-size companies — can be an amusing and optimistic bunch. A survey of about 100 restructuring professionals was just released, checking [...]
Avoiding Judicial Liens In Bankruptcy
A Chapter 7, 11 or 13 Debtor may avoid a judicial lien recorded against their real property that impairs the exemption on the property. There is no statute of limitations on filing a motion to avoid this judicial lien. Thus [...]
Benefits Of Bankruptcy
The following are the main advantages to filing a Bankruptcy: 1. Discharge of Debts. No matter what chapter of the Bankruptcy Code a debtor may file under, the goal would be to obtain a discharge. A discharge makes some of the debtors [...]