If you are facing an overwhelming amount of debt, chances are, you may be suffering a lesser quality of life in the process. Struggling to keep up with monetary obligations can be stressful enough on its own, and the constant phone calls may do little to ease your worries.
Perhaps you wish to pursue relief from debts, but with numerous available options, you could be uncertain where to begin. While each option may have its own potential advantages and disadvantages, if your debts are substantial, you might find it beneficial to explore bankruptcy.
Determining the correct path for debt relief
You may have already thought about filing for bankruptcy, but perhaps you have some reservations about the process. However, you may be able to overcome any hesitation by considering the potential benefits of Chapter 7 bankruptcy, which may include the following:
- Discharge of debts: In Chapter 7 bankruptcy, many of your debts might be eligible for discharge, such as those pertaining to medical expenses or credit card bills. However, certain debts may not be eligible, and seeking advice on this aspect early on is advisable.
- Protection from creditors: Upon filing for bankruptcy, the automatic stay will kick in and provide protection from creditors throughout the process, which may stop the constant collection attempts and alleviate a great deal of your stress.
- Impact on credit: While a bankruptcy will have an impact on your credit score, if you are constantly unable to keep up with monetary obligations, you may already be suffering in this area. By filing for bankruptcy, you may be able to begin rebuilding your credit shortly after the process is complete.
- Financial freedom: The discharge of debts may lessen your financial load significantly, potentially allowing you to focus on building a healthier financial future.
Although practicing due diligence in this area is advisable, if you linger in a state of uncertainty, you might be using retirement or investment savings to get by. This can prove detrimental in the long run, and seeking guidance on pursuing relief from debts could help you avoid a potential disaster.
Relief from the burdens of debt
If you are feeling somewhat intimidated or overwhelmed about pursuing a life free of financial hardships, there are resources readily available to help you. You could speak with someone with extensive knowledge in federal and California state bankruptcy laws for advice on the available options for relief, as well as their potential outcomes. By obtaining guidance in the initial stages, you could become better prepared to choose the correct path with which to pursue financial freedom.