You may have gone back and forth for some time over the best way to handle your outstanding debt. You may have decided on one option only to change your mind later when you thought another route would better suit your circumstances. Unfortunately, this indecisiveness may have only allowed your debt to grow due to accumulated interest and fees.
One option you could find yourself considering more and more lately is bankruptcy. Of course, because bankruptcy often has a bad reputation and many people believe the negative stigma that surrounds this debt relief option, you may think that you should avoid bankruptcy at all costs. However, that idea may not suit your needs.
Why wait?
You may think waiting until you have all the information or have explored all the other options could help your situation. That may not prove true. In fact, the longer you wait to file for bankruptcy, the worse your financial situation may become. If you do not believe that your finances will take a dramatic turn for the better in the near future, waiting to file for bankruptcy may not benefit you. This may prove especially true if creditors attempt to garnish your wages or file lawsuits against you.
Understand your debts
Once you decide to file for bankruptcy, it is important that you understand all of the debts you have. If you hope to have your outstanding balances discharged through Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you need to make sure that you declare all of those debts in your bankruptcy petition. If you do not understand the debt you owe, you could miss something. If so, your case may not be as successful as you had hoped because you did not declare all of your debt.
Pay attention to paperwork
Though bankruptcy could greatly improve your financial situation, it is still a serious legal process. Any mistakes in information you provide or paperwork you file could easily result in your case facing problems. If this happens, you may not end up with the outcomes you desired. If you try to go through the process alone, you could end up missing necessary documents, and your entire case could go off the tracks.
Seek help
Luckily, you can obtain useful help throughout the bankruptcy process. If you wish, you could consult with an experienced California attorney who could provide you with information regarding Chapter 7 bankruptcy, determine whether it would suit your circumstances and help you make sure that you have all the needed paperwork and information in order.