Today is a day for celebration. Although your debts have not been magically forgiven, nor has your income increased significantly overnight, today is a day that can serve as a significant turning point in your financial life. As the first day of the New Year progresses, consider adopting a few financially-related New Year’s resolutions. These resolutions may be large or small, but they will help to place you on the right track nonetheless.
As you consider which financial resolutions to adopt, please be careful when researching your options. Many debt settlement companies can look like appealing actors when you first glance at them. However, many of these companies can leave you in a far worse position than you were in when you first opted to contact them. Licensed attorneys can aid you in exploring your options, as they essentially have a legal duty to act in your best interests. If you cannot afford the services of a licensed attorney, consider contacting a nonprofit agency aimed at aiding individuals just like you.
In addition to seeking qualified assistance to aid you in paying down your debts, consider resolving to embrace habits that will benefit your credit history. A good credit history takes time to establish, but once it is established and maintained, it can benefit your financial life immensely. A few relatively simple ways to build a positive credit history include paying your bills on time, not maxing out your credit cards and checking your credit history for errors.
No matter which financial resolutions you opt to embrace this year, know that a little bit of effort can ultimately go a long way towards placing you on solid financial footing.
Source: Money Talks News, “Resolutions 2016: Get the Financial Help You Need to Kick Your Debt in the Butt,” Marilyn Lewis, Dec. 31, 2015