Getting a new job can be a very exciting event for an individual, particularly if the job is one that will bring in a higher income than their previous job. During such exciting times, the possibility of running into debt problems in the future may be one of the last things on a person’s mind. After all, how could having more income lead to debt problems?
However, how a person acts financially after getting a new job could actually have some pretty big future debt implications. As a recent U.S. News & World Report article indicated, getting a higher paying job can potentially be an under-the-radar contributor to future debt problems.
A trap individuals can fall into after getting a new, higher-paying job is making an immediate big increase in their spending. Boosting one’s spending too much after getting a new job could lead to a person eventually drawing on debt to fund the spending, which could leave them particularly vulnerable to debt problems if the new job ends up not working out or they experience other financial shocks.
Thus, being responsible and thoughtful when it comes to one’s spending can be very important following getting a new job. It is important to remember that spending behavior can have significant implications in the long run.
As this discussion illustrates, the circumstances that can lead to a person struggling with debt are quite varied. Debt struggles can not only come from what happened when financial times were tough, but also what happened when financial times were good.
Just as there is not one uniform way people get into debt struggles, there is no one uniform way to get out of debt problems. There are many potential avenues for debt relief. Every person’s debt and financial situation is unique, and what this situation is can greatly impact what debt relief options would be a good fit for them. For example, a person’s individual circumstances can greatly affect which bankruptcy type (such as Chapter 7, Chapter 11 or Chapter 13) would be best-suited for them if they decide to go the bankruptcy route. Bankruptcy attorneys can advise individuals struggling with debt on what things they should be taking into account regarding their individual circumstances when making debt relief decisions.